Checklist of Posts After 12 January 2012

2013-02-06: Anne Waldman: from Jaguar Harmonics [person woven of, of tesserae]

2013-02-02: Mutsuo Takahashi: from Twelve Views from the Distance

2013-01-29: From A Cruel Nirvana (2): Four Narratives & Two Praise Poems from Narratives & Realtheater Pieces

2013-01-25: Milton Resnick 1917-2004 / Three Poems Recovered

2013-01-21: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (51): from The Library of Unwritten Books

2013-01-17: Kitasono Katue: Three Poems from BLACK FIRE (Kuroi hi), 1951, with a Note on Typography

2013-01-13: Julian Talamantez-Brolaski: Three New Poems from ADVICE FOR LOVERS with a note from “Phonosemantics and the Real”

2013-01-09: Itō Hiromi: Cooking, Writing Poetry

2013-01-05: Arie Galles: Two Journal Entries from “Drawing with Ashes”

2013-01-01: Alberto Blanco: Three Theories from The Square Root of Heaven

2012-12-28: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (50): Ernst Herbeck,"Golden ABCs," with translation from German by Gary Sullivan

2012-12-24: Emilio Prados: Three Poems from Enclosed Garden

2012-12-20: Michael Davidson: Five New Poems

2012-12-16: Aimé Césaire: From the original version (1939) of “Notebook of a Return to the Native Land” (29-37)

2012-12-12: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (49): from The Ahmed Fragments, “Of Ants, Arabs & the Art of Civilization”

2012-12-08: Dave Brinks: From “A Pot of Lips” in THE SECRET BRAIN: Selected Poems 1995-2012, Three Collaborations

2012-12-04: Jerome Rothenberg: from The Gorky Variations (in progress), "Child of an Idumean Night"

2012-11-30: Rae Armantrout: Four New Poems from a Work in Progress 2012

2012-11-22: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (48): “Lord” Timothy Dexter, from “A Pickle for the Knowing Ones; or Plain Truths in a Homespun Dress” (1848)

2012-11-20: Some Book Publications, Recent, Forthcoming & In-Progress

2012-11-16: John Bloomberg-Rissman: Two Poems from “In the House of the Hangman”

2012-11-12: Murat Nemet-Nejat: From “Questions of Accent” (What Is Then Accented Writing?)

2012-11-08: Jerome Rothenberg: From A CRUEL NIRVANA: Two Narratives from The Lives of the Caesars

2012-11-04: Pierre Joris: From “Double-Gazing Semes after Babel Sequestering” (Some Notes on Collaboration)

2012-10-31: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (47): Jonathan Williams on “Howard Finster, Man of Visions”

2012-10-27: David Matlin: From Prisons / Inside the New America, “Kenneth’s” Poems & Poetics

2012-10-23: Rocío Cerón: 13 Ways To Inhabit a Corner

2012-10-19: Doings & Happenings: Notes on a Performance of the Seneca Indian Eagle Dance, with the Scenario for Gift Event III, Based on Its Orders

2012-10-15: From Éric Suchère’s Mystérieuse (after Hergé), translated by Sandra Doller

2012-10-11: John Martone: A Suite of Poems from Molecular Lament

2012-10-07: Amish Trivedi: Opening Verses from “Untitled Project”

2012-10-03: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (46): The Rogue’s Delight in Praise of his Strolling Mort: A Thieves' Canting Song

2012-09-29: Clayton Eshleman: From ERRATICS, Introduction & Sections 1-6

2012-09-25: From Eye of Witness (4): The Nature Theater of Oklahoma (revisited)

2012-09-21: On the Way: Poems for the Millennium, volume 4, The University of California Book of North African Literature

2012-09-17: Norman Finkelstein: From “Inside the Ghost Factory,” Four Poems & a Note on the Forevertron

2012-09-13: Amy Catanzano: “The Imaginary Present,” A Poem & a Commentary from Quantum Poetics

2012-09-09: Outsider Poems: A Mini-Anthology in Progress (45): The Last Words of Dutch Schultz

2012-09-05: From Eye of Witness (3): The Poem As an Act of Witness

2012-09-01: Aaron McCollough: A Preface to Jerome Rothenberg’s "A Cruel Nirvana"

2012-08-28: Jackson Mac Low: A Poem from 154 Forties, with the Foreword by Anne Tardos

2012-08-24: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (44): Gwerful Mechain’s “Ode to the Pubic Hair”

2012-08-20: The Pepper Trees, 20 Poems for & with Arie Galles

2012-08-16: George Economou, through C.P. Cavafy: The Newspaper Story (A Reconstituted Poem)

2012-08-12: Shi Zhi: “Fish Trilogy,” the poet as forerunner

2012-08-08: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (43): A Tom o' Bedlam Song with British & Nootka Analogues

2012-08-04: From Eye of Witness (2): "From a Shaman's Notebook"

2012-07-30: Nicole Peyrafitte: Poems and Poetics from "Bi-Valve"
2012-07-26: Eye of Witness (1): A Letter & a Poem for Robert Duncan, in Retrospect

2012-07-22: Outsider Poems: A Mini-Anthology in Progress (42): from Theragāthā and Therīgāthā (Pali, 1st century B.C.)

2012-07-18: Mark Weiss: Nineteen Short Poems for Bill Bronk, Plus One

2012-07-14: A Gematria Poem, As It Comes to Me, for George Quasha at 70 & Myself at 80

2012-07-10: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (41): The Song of the Azria

2012-07-06: A Round of Renshi & the Poet as Other: An Experiment in Poesis (Part Three)

2012-07-02:  Arkadii Dragomoshchenko: Paper Dreams, for Jerome Rothenberg

2012-06-28:  Rochelle Owens: Color Pool in Umbria, in Memoriam Al Held

2012-06-24: A Round of Renshi & the Poet as Other: An Experiment in Poesis (Part Two)

2012-06-20: Reconfiguring Romanticism (54): Jeffrey C. Robinson, “Occupy Romanticism,” 27 May 2012
2012-06-16: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (40): From The Egyptian Pyramid Texts

2012-06-12: Jerome Rothenberg: A Round of Renshi & the Poet as Other, an Experiment in Poesis (Part One)
2012-06-08: from Alison Knowles, 17 Event Scores & Where They Happened

2012-06-04: From AMERICA A PROPHECY: Anthology as Collage (Dekanawideh, Whitman, Pound, Stein)

2012-05-31: Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (39): From “Missing Larry: The Poetics of Disability in Larry Eigner” by Michael Davidson

05.22.12  Jerome Rothenberg: Toward an Omnipoetics, from an Interview in Rampike Magazine

05.19.12  Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (38): Kobayashi Issa, 14 Haiku

05.15.12  A Letter to David McAllester 1968 on the Beginnings of Total Translation

05.11.12  From AMERICA A PROPHECY: Cotton Mather & Gertrude Stein revisited, toward an omnipoetics

05.07.12  Outsider Poems, A Mini-Anthology in Progress (37) Eleven Pai-Hua (Colloquial) Poems

05.03.12  Hiromi Itō: from Wild Grass on the Riverbank

04.30.12  Jerome Rothenberg: Seven Flag Poems

04.27.12 Outsider Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (36): Uncle Jake Carpenter, from Deaths on Three-Mile Creek 1841-1915

04.23.12  Charles Bernstein: The Truth in Pudding

04.18.12  Clayton Eshleman" "Self As Selva," a new poem from Penetralia (forthcoming)

04.14.12  A New Vietnamese Avant-Garde, Part Three: Poems by Trần Wũ Khang, Trúc-Ty, & Bỉm

04.12.12 Videos by Colin Still of Jerome Rothenberg Eightieth Birthday Tribute

04.09.12 Chronicle: Interview with a Seneca Songman, Richard Johnny John (Part Three)

04.05.12  Four Poems by Heriberto Yepez translated by Nathaniel Tarn

04.01.12  Che Qianzi: Five Poems & the Poetics of Reincarnation

03.28.12 America a Prophecy redux

03.24.12 Chronicle: Interview with a Seneca Songman, Richard Johnny John (Part Two)

03.20.12 Jerome Rothenberg: Travel Notes, 2008, into an Unknown City

 03.16.12  A New Vietnamese Avant-Garde, Part Two: Four Poems by Phan Bá Thọ & Lý Đợi

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