▼ August (12)
Uncollected Poems (3): "The Silent Language," with a Note on Poetry & Signing
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Two Dialect Poems, with a Note on Sor Juana & the Pitfalls of Translation
Reconfiguring Romanticism (10): Michael Palmer on Shelley
Rafael Alberti (1902-1999): Buster Keaton Searches the Woods for His Sweetheart a Genu-ine Cow
From Poetics & Polemics (forthcoming): "A Secret Location on the Lower East Side”
Reconfiguring Romanticism (9): Some Outsider Poets
Uncollected Poems (2): Two for the Cockeyed Queen of Poland
Translation and Illegibility, with a poem from A Book of Concealments
Pierre Joris: from Justifying the Margins: “Nimrod in Hell” with a Note & Reminiscence on Joris meme
Reconfiguring Romanticism (8): Heinrich Heine, with Gerard de Nerval, a Prose Poem & a Commentary
from Daichidoron: 32 Ways of Looking at the Buddha, for Hiromi Ito
Charles Bernstein: 4 Poems, with a Note on Escape from Rousseau to Bernstein
▼ July (13)
Gematria (2): 14 Stations, with Arie Galles
Reconfiguring Romanticism (7): Prologue to A Book of Origins
From the Medusa Interview: Anthologies, Modernism, & Postmodernism
Ian Tyson's "17 Horse Songs X-XIII" with a Note on Ian Tyson
Reconfiguring Romanticism (6): Poe's Eureka, with commentary
Rae Armantrout, BABEL, a Poem & a Comment, plus an excerpt from Collected Prose
A Note and Poem for Jean Pierre Faye and "Change"
Reconfiguring Romanticism (5): Dionysios Solomos Poem & Commentary
Clayton Eshleman: The Left Foot of King Ramesses I, with a Note on Clayton Eshleman
Gematria (1): Seven in Dedication, with a Note on Gematria
Reconfiguring Romanticism (4): Hugo & Dickinson
That Dada Strain Continued: Three from Tristan Tzara, with a Note on Tzara & Dada
Uncollected Poems: Language 3x8, a poem for Charles Bernstein and Bruce Andrews
▼ June (18)
Crossing the Andes -- 2004
David Antin: 11 games for eleanor (previously unpu.blished), with a Note on David Antin
The People’s Poetry Language Initiative: Preamble and Declaration
Reconfiguring Romanticism (3): Goethe & Shelley
12 Russian Ikons, & Others
A Paradise of Poets: In celebration of Keith Wilson by Bobby Bird
Three Caprichos, after Goya
The Burning Babe, with Susan Bee – Now accessible in full
Reconfiguring Romanticism (2): A Preliminary Listing
The Burnt Book: Postscript to A Book of Concealments
15 Antiphonals: for Haroldo de Campos
La voix des morts: poésie et chamanisme
In Memoriam Jackson Mac Low
Reconfiguring Romanticism (1)
Autonomous Publication & the Internet
Uncollected Poems (1): A Seneca Memory
Three Poems after Images by Nancy Tobin
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