books in english
Gematria Complete, Marick Press, 2009.
Romantic Dadas, artist’s book, with Marco Gastini, Juliao Sarmento, Elana Herzog, Miguel Angel Rios, and Yao Jui-Chung, Dominique Liquois, Collectif Generation, Paris , 2009.
Poems for the Millennium, volume 3: The University of California Book of Romantic & Postromantic Poetry, with Jeffrey Robinson, 2009.
Concealments & Caprichos, Black Widow Press, Boston , 2010.
The Jigoku Zoshi Hells: A Book of Variations, Argotist Ebooks,
Divagations, A Chapbook, with drawings by Nancy Victoria Davis, in Big Bridge (on-line), number 15, spring 2011.
Siembras, translation of Seedings into Spanish by Antonio Díez Fernández, Baile del Sol, Tenerife , 2010.
Ojo del Testimonio: Escritos Selectos 1951-2010, translated into Spanish by Heriberto Yépez, Editorial Aldus,
25 Caprichos a partir de Goya, translation into Spanish by Heriberto Yépez, Calamus,
“Horse Songs 1, 10-13” and “Total Translation,” in Bombay Gin, Naropa University , ed. Andrew Schelling, 2010.
“A suite of Translations from Nakahara Chuya,” with Yasuhiro Yotsumoto, in Big Bridge (on-line) number 15, spring 2011.
“Un poema de castores” plus Diane Rothenberg, “Nuestra Experiencia Entre los Indios Seneca,” translated into Spanish by Kurt Hackbarth & Tania Román, in Ciclo Literario, número 100, Oaxaca, September 2010.
“25 Gematria,” translated into Dutch by Kurt Devrese and into French by Auxeméry, in Alligatorzine (on-line),, 2010.
“La Poética del Chamanismo,” translated into Spanish by Heriberto Yépez, inSibila , Brazil , 14 de dezembro de 2010.
“La Poética del Chamanismo,” translated into Spanish by Heriberto Yépez, in
“The Waiting Game,” “The Power of the Dead,” Lorca’s Spain : A Homage,” “The Burden of All Poetry,” & “Concealed in Words, Unopened,” in Poesis International, translated into Romanian by Chris Tanasescu, Bucharest , December 2010.
“20th Century Unlimited,” “That Dada Strain,” “Glass Tube Ecstasy,” “I Come into the New World ,” tr. into Catalan by Montse Baste and Hara Kraan, in Nit de Poesia al Palau, Labreu Editions, Barcelona, 2011.
“Shaking the Pumpkin Revisited: Some Poems & Ritual Events from the Indian Americas,” in Poetry International, number 17, San Diego , 2011.
“A Round of Renshi and the Poet as Other: An Experiment in Poesis,” (with David Antin talk-piece, “hiccups”), in Critical Inquiry, volume 37, number 4, summer 2011.
Mark Weiss, “Windows & Mirrors: An Interview with Jerome Rothenberg,” in Kaurab: A Bengali Poetry Web-zine,, March 2010.
Interview by Joaquim Roglan, in La Vanguardia (magazine),
Yves di Manno, “Rothenberg: A Postscript,” in Yves di Manno, Objets d’Amérique, Série américaine, José Corti, Paris, 2009.
Charles Bernstein, on J.R.’s anthologies, in “Nuestras Américas: nuevos mundos todavía en formación,” S/N New World Poetics, volume 1, number 1, 2010.Yves di Manno, “Rothenberg: A Postscript,” in Yves di Manno, Objets d’Amérique, Série américaine, José Corti, Paris, 2009.
David Noriega, “Jerome Rothenberg’s ‘total translations’ of Navajo Horse Songs,”, Poetry Foundation, 2009
Stephen Fredman, “Jerome Rothenberg’s ‘Symposium of the Whole,’” concluding chapter in Contextual Practice, Stanford University Press, 2010.
Tyrone Williams, review of Poems for the Millennium, volume 1, in Kaurab online,, March 2010.
Jake Marmer, “Jerome Rothenberg: Khurbn and Poetry as Language of the Dead” (with two poems from Khurbn), in Jewish Daily Forward (on-line), May 5, 2011.
Josef Horáček, “Total Performance: Jerome Rothenberg’s ethnopoetic translations," Translation Studies (Routledge), volume 4, number 2, May 2011.
American Book Award (Before Columbus Foundation) for Poems for the Millenium, volume 3, 2010.
Medalla al Mérito Literario, International Poetry Festival , Chihuahua , Mexico , 2011.
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