Facebook didn’t depose Mubarak
the army deposed Mubarakwith the help of unarmed people
Facebook doesn’t depose
it poses
but in
and it still is in countries
where the police isn’t on Facebook yet
(there is no such country: Facebook is the police)
in the U.S. where everybody is on Facebook
pretending to be just hanging outdiscussing the quirks of their dogs
their tastes in music and what they want in a mate
Facebook is just pixel puff off a virtual dog
its data bots eat your brain and make you buy stuff
and if you make a move that looks vaguely human Facebook arrests you
and connects you to Twitter LinkedIn and other social groups
where communication will rehabilitate you
for a writer Facebook is especially deadly
a novelist mining for stories will run only into lies
there are no smells and no skin
a poet is quickly bored by the nanitudes mouthed there
an essayist meets there only herm public face
and whatever looked real in reality
(which wasn't much)
is secretly spirited away from your soul and made into zuckerbergs
mr zuckerberg laughs all the way to the bank as he eats them
it’s always sunny on sugar mountain I quit Facebook
I felt lighter alreadyI looked for my friends at the bar
couldn't find them
but look: a real dog is falling in love with a fire hydrant!
these giants
oil engines
behind the scenes at night
they are working for you
even when they look like they are making money
for someone else
(they do)
the only thing that hurts these giants is the umbilical cords
they are attached withto you
that one just dangling with a puddle on the end
is the gulf of mexico
it used to be rich
all you need is a nice pair of scissors
then it will be estheticyou won't even know it was there
like a shrimp in reduction sauce
wind air water fire when drafted say ok
then they attach themselves to you
with new umbilicums
yummy it feels yummy
migratory birds know
where to gosomething outside of them tells them
where to go
something inside them says yes
and then it's off to
but never again to the gulf of mexico
that's voided pedagogy
dead verbs nounedremember
derivative was once to derive
and so the body was derived from the need to feed
and the puddle dried up
adjectives too had a hard time
but everything is fast nowdon't bet on language
to be on your side
it's not
not because it's venal
but because it's in constant use
if we gave our language a break for let's say a century
and kept quiet with our needs at a minimumwe might turn into finer animals horses let's say
evolution used to work that way
now volition doesteacher teacher what does my soul look like?
a duck
I hate ducksa duck
I like birds
I hate ducks
will they make a difference to my grade?
no but you're now in charge of bodies in area 51
they are morphing
How does language shape physiognomy?
why do the french look french? How does language shape physiognomy?
do the people of the 20th century look different?
do plumbers?
do ideas?
what makes them look like they do?
tolerance is important
anybody who's ever made a fire knows why synergy's important
the hard thing to know is when there is too much of it
the hard thing to know is when there is too much of it
people your actions are ridiculous
the consequences tragicwhere is the gulf of mexico
pinata in a buffet
see last will and testament
by caligula jr
innocence is hard look at me
all these years
see last will and testament
by caligula jr
innocence is hard look at me
all these years
whose dream are we
our own
which is the next question
why are most things round?
and the next:
we ever
be safe
from the
interior monologue?
our own
which is the next question
why are most things round?
and the next:
we ever
be safe
from the
interior monologue?
and the next:
does anyone know how to get lost anymore?
and the one after:
and the one after:
what disarms the reader?
what weapon must he be relieved of?
there will be always the exact same amount of god
vomit is the price of liberty
I for instance feign amnesia during the daytime
I for instance feign amnesia during the daytime
to hide from my own shadow
NOTE. Codrescu’s voice as a poet & commentator has enriched and informed us since his arrival on American grounds in 1966. Editor & founder of the ever bountiful Exquisite Corpse, his work continues “without check, with original energy” into the present. His recent books include Whatever Gets You through the Night: A Story of Sheherezade and the Arabian Nights (2011) & The Poetry Lesson (2010), both from Princeton University Press. The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess (2009) is a touchstone of contemporary/historical poetry & poetics. More in his own voice & with generous quotes from others can be found at http://www.codrescu.com/livesite/. (J.R.)
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