What can I say? Borneol isn’t betwixt cirrhiferousquadranss. Which proves one more zero cestuss. The more four indagationscheverliïze, the more they electrify a lintie’s two weesels. They mind. An clack. They didn’t batful. Did the world squat down? Do they speak in clicks & soft exploding accents? Do they sound, at large gatherings, like a popcorn machine? Do they communicate with their strangely powerful shoulders? Do they articulate panic by squeezing air through their tear ducts? Does this cleanse the machine language? The manuscript I saw was for “At the Mountains of Madness.” The pages are long, and I would guess they were from something like a legal pad, except that several pages seem to be upside-down church stationery from
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Some recent sections of In the House of the Hangman, the 3rd panel of an “altarpiece to our beauty and insanity”, an ongoing project called Zeitgeist Spam (the first two panels are titled No Sounds Of My Own Making and Flux Clot & Froth). While each panel has its own set of compositional constraints, they all involve appropriating/ sampling/ collaging/ assembling/ mangling other texts. For me, this assemblage-work is the opposite of a tight corner. It ties me to, opens up for me, opens me up to, the human universe.They allow me to write beyond myself. Which is great. The big word I mean the big world ah I mean both don’t I come in. But this is not purely conceptual or purely lyric work. As Karla Kelsey very perceptively wrote about the first “panel”:
"This is not a text built on the foundations of either subjectivity OR alterity. This is a text of AND. … Like many texts that hinge on the strength of “and” No Sounds of My Own Making eschews categorization. The work does not belong in a category of “pure” conceptual writing: Bloomberg-Rissman breaks his own rules too often to make a conceptual statement, and the text feels too much to be a member of what Craig Dworkin defines, in his introduction to the ubuweb Anthology of Conceptual Writing, as a pursuit of “meticulous procedure and exhaustively logical process.” However, given that most of the subjective statements in No Sounds are gleaned from other authors via algorithm, the poem cannot read as a purely subjective baring of the soul in the tradition of Wordsworth’s ‘spontaneous overflow’. …"
(Karla Kelsey, “An Introduction to ‘No Sounds’”, at http://reconfigurations.blogspot.com/2008/11/karla-kelsey-introduction-to-no-sounds.htmlRECONFIGURATIONS 2).
(Karla Kelsey, “An Introduction to ‘No Sounds’”, at http://reconfigurations.blogspot.com/2008/11/karla-kelsey-introduction-to-no-sounds.htmlRECONFIGURATIONS 2).
One important aspect of the project, at least as far as I’m concerned, is to ALWAYS note my sources. Here are the sources for the text above:
573. What can I say?: JBR; Borneol … batful: http://www.leonatkinson.com/random/index.php/essay.html Leon ’s Random Essay Generator; Did the world squat down? … national language?: Christian Hawkey, “Birth of a Nation”, at http://www.poetryinternational.org/piw_cms/cms/cms_module/index.php?obj_id=16292 Poetry International Web, via http://web.ncf.ca/ek867/2011_07_16-31_archives.html#July 19, 2011 wood s lot, 19 Jul 011; The manuscript I saw … church stationery from Milwaukee: Graham Harman, “the manuscripts”, at http://doctorzamalek2.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/the-manuscripts/ Object-Oriented Philosophy, 19 Jul 011; And an Rx pad … “bronchitis”: JBR; But (at least … horrifying mechanism: Timothy Morton, “Spot the Player: Hegel on Ideas and the Attitudes They Code for”, at http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/07/spot-player-hegel-on-ideas-and.html Ecology without Nature, 19 Jul 011; Sometimes, when I can’t sleep … shard of glass: Christian Hawkey, “from The Book of Funnels”, at http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/179269 Poetry Foundation; Thinking this ancient …Here’s our Utopia: Alexander Trevi, “Double Positive”, at http://pruned.blogspot.com/2011/07/double-positive.html Pruned, 19 Jul 011; This post could also be called … No Slander podcast: Natalie Lyalin, “Every Small Thing Is A Reflection of the Whole”, at http://natalielyalin.blogspot.com/2011/04/every-small-thing-is-reflection-of.html Apples on Fire, 13 Apr 011; And then I stumble … famished for what?: Dara Weir, “Inside Undivided 5”, at http://www.flying-object.org/?p=1344 Flying Object; [It's rare to watch a film … from a missing sun]: Evan Calder Williams, “Other Than All That”, at http://socialismandorbarbarism.blogspot.com/2011/07/other-than-all-that-notes-on.html Socialism and/or Barbarism, 19 Jul 011 (a review of Transformers 3]; I ate some pig ear … coming out of your mustache: Justin Sirois, “Weekend Report”, at http://secondarysound.blogspot.com/2011/07/weekend-report_19.html Secondary Sound, 19 Jul 011; Three existing industrial robots … ’sweat glands’: Jacob Sloan, “What Should robots Smell Like?”, at http://www.disinfo.com/2011/07/what-should-robots-smell-like/ Disinformation, 19 Jul 011; I put lemon in my eyes?? and What did I know … and skincare?: Nada Gordon, “Typing Out Loud”, at http://ululate.blogspot.com/2011/07/typing-out-loud.html Ululations, 19 Jul 011; As far as the ruling class … intolerable burden: “The class politics of the US debt ceiling crisis”, at http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/2011/07/the-class-politics-of-the-us-debt-ceiling-crisis.html I cite, 19 Jul 011; Turning to humans … anal tampons): windwheel, “Rational Choice hermeneutics and Reverse Mereology”, at http://socioproctology.blogspot.com/2011/07/rational-choice-hermeneutics-and.html Poetry as Socio-proctology, 19 July 011; It’s as if my head … shook shookshook: Nada Gordon, “shook shookshook”, at http://ululate.blogspot.com/2011/07/third-day-off-effexor.html Ululations, 19 Jul 011; nor the most distant memory … to everyone’s everyone: Pablo Picasso, as quoted in David Detrich, “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz”, at http://innovativefiction.blogspot.com/2011/06/burial-of-count-of-orgaz.html Innovative Fiction, 19 Jul 011 (a review of Picasso’s The Burial of the Count of Orgaz& other poems (eds. &trs. Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris)); No wonder Schopenhauer became a Buddhist: Timothy Morton, “‘Impersonal and individual’”, at http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/07/impersonal-and-individual.html Ecology without Nature, 18 Jul 011; Today’s lesson features Hegel … stepdown transformer: Timothy Morton, “Early Literary Theory Class 12”, at http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/07/early-literary-theory-class-12.html Ecology without Nature, 19 Jul 011. 574. Chapter 19 … fresh meat: William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, at http://faculty.dwc.edu/wellman/WCWSpring.htm Donald Wellman page at Daniel Webster College . 575. I want to tell you … fucking his mom etc seem like nothing): JBR, email to Brandon Brown, send 20 Jul 011, approx. 2;22 PM PST; So the bardo … shared space: Timothy Morton, “A Thousand Colliding Worlds: The Bardo of OOO”, at http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.com/2011/07/thousand-colliding-worlds-bardo-of-ooo.html Ecology without Nature, 20 Jul 011. 576. Limitless limited bodies … buffering…: Tom Beckett, “Overpainted Thresholds”, at http://tom-beckett.blogspot.com/2011/07/overpainted-thresholds.htmlL’amourfou, 20 Jul 011; l invented that sand … One plus one tree equals history: Rick Wiggins, “JoyDispleasureAdvertiser”, at http://rickwiggins.blogspot.com/2011/07/joydispleasureadvertiser.htmllivedeadcatpress, 20 Jul 011; to some extent, as does: JBR; “a chattering bird … over a nearby river: Geoff Manaugh, “The House of Mechanical Animals”, at http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/house-of-mechanical-animals.html BLDG/BLOG, 20 Jul 011 (concerning the film Convento, which “documents work by ChristiaanZwanikken, an artist who preserves and literally reanimates dead animals using recycled motor parts and pumps rescued from scrapyards. He then "breeds these new species in a 400-year old monastery in Portugal ," which his family has been restoring for the past 25 years.”)]
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