Jerome Rothenberg – A Bibliography of Published Translations

[The following was recently compiled & is posted here as an indication of the range of translations – solo & in collaboration & by no means complete – over the last fifty years. (J.R.)]

From German

New Young German Poets (Celan, Grass, Enzensberger, Heissenbüttel, Bachman), City Lights, 1959.

Rolf Hochhuth, The Deputy, Broadway playing version, 1965, Samuel French.

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Poems for People Who Don’t Read Poems (translated with Michael Hamburger and the author), Atheneum, 1968.

Eugen Gomringer, The Book of Hours & Constellations, Something Else Press, 1968.

Kurt Schwitters, Poems Performance Pieces Proses Plays Poetics (with Pierre Joris), Temple University Press, Exact Change, 1993.

Periodical and anthology publications from Goethe, Heine, Arp, Huelsenbeck, Dieter Rot.

From Spanish                                                                                                                                              
F.G. Lorca, Suites, Green Integer Books, 2001 (earlier in Collected Translations of Lorca, Farrar Straus Giroux).

Pablo Picasso, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz & Other Poems (with Pierre Joris & others), Exact Change,2003.

Periodical and anthology publications from Neruda, Huidobro, Alberti, Cecilia Vicuna, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Asunción Silva.

From French

Periodical and anthology publications from Jacob, Tzara, Picabia, Di Manno, and others.

From Czech

Viteszlav Nezval, Antilyrik & Other Poems (with Milos Sovak), Green Integer Books, 2001.

American Indian & Precolumbian Sources

The Flight of Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Unicorn Books, U.K., 1967.

The 17 Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell (Navajo, with assistance from David P. McAllester), Tetrad Press, U.K., 1973.

Songs from the Society of the Mystic Animals (Seneca, with Ian Tyson, Richard Johnny John), Tetrad Press, U.K., 1975.

15 Flower World Variations (Huichol), Membrane Press, Milwaukee, 1984.

Multiple anthology publications in Technicians of the Sacredand Shaking the Pumpkin.


Nakahara Chuya, selected poems, with Yasuhiro Yotsumoto, in progress.


Cyprian Norwid, “Chopin’s Piano,” with Arie Galles, in Poems for the
Millennium, volume 3, 2009.

Hebrew and Aramaic

Gematria 27, with Harris Lenowitz, Membrane Press, 1977.

Multiple translations with Harris Lenowitz in A Big Jewish Book (Exiled in the Word), Doubleday, 1977 and Copper Canyon Press, 1989.

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