La Primavera
salute, compadres,
the flag of the greatmother of us all
the goddess of
raised high
salute her puffy
& parched cheeks, her banners,
nipples on the rise,
the ever benign crocuses that mark
the triumph of spring
in the beauty of the word primavera,
the day is terminal,
the goddess appearing for the party
stumbles & retreats,
she sends a spray into the air
& lets it fall,
sad & dependable,
the civic band plays up
the stars & stripes
Flag Poem One
sad flag fat girl
straddles a pumpher knees under her breasts
into each life a little
solitude the juice
of energies seeps through
“Make love beneath it”
sighs my heart
the red eye of her vulva
staring back
Flag Poem Two
the mystery behind
the weave a star in placeright where the eye should be
blazons the prayer
the patriot wears over his heart
& shows the world
tiny dervishes
how sticky are their tongues
tonight how bright
their spangles
Flag Poem Three
the barber is a proud man
in his hand
a flag moves, drivenby the wind
o patriots’ dreams
o alabaster citiesFlag Poem Four
over the city sleeps
the goddessover the goddess
sleep the stars
& stripes
the universal flag
flaps on, the monstrous voice
resumes old energies
wrapped in the cosmic wind
flag mother sits
atop the hillher cigar is a wandering star
her breasts balloons
with wavy stripes
up her abutments
red & white
they cover her body in the sky
like blood & milk
a baby patriot
plops from her womb
Flag Poem Six
“release the flag”
they tell him“no” he roars retreating
to the farmhouse
he holds the varmints off
his fickle eye against the siding
“I repeat my stance
“I howl for ye
“proud little sisters, little stars
the evening slinks away
the cowboy stands
kneedeep in banners
Flag Poem Seven
the time called
hour of the flaghas struck how bright
& fortunate
the crowd now can advance
with shiny shoes
their eyes
like the eyes of children
or like the eyes of dogs
they are a faithful crowd
& each one
waves its tiny flag
the sign of their admission
to this crowd
A Note on the Preceding. When in 2008 I fused two books of mine, Poland/1931 and Khurbn, and added to those a third, The Burning Babe, to make a single volume (Triptych) for New Directions, I inadvertently let the “other poems” in the original Khurbn & Other Poems go effectively out of print. Looking back at those now in the course of preparing a large reader of my work for Black Widow Press, I feel a strong desire to reclaim at least some of them & bring them into some form of contemporary circulation. The small series, above, which goes back to a Reaganesque period of patriotic flag waving, seems to me to be a kind of poem I would continue to write today – the national disease to which it speaks still with us, still calling forth an old poetics of disgust (T. Tzara) in answer. The year of a new presidentiad (2012) – with its attendant tea party clamors & patriotic bromides – seems like a perfect time to try it.
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